The Right Answer
22-23 Февруари 2009

“Have you ever thought that one day you’ll be sitting in front of your notebook – writing about the misfortune of your love life? Neither have I… but yet… here I am.
What should you do when you are betrayed by the most precious thing in your life? When the answer to your unconditional love to love is only tears? Should you cry? Or should you rise your head up and move on? But is it that easy? To forget? To leave everything behind? To just say “So what? I guess he’s not the one…” No, it’s not… ‘cause every time you see him, every time you think of him, you still shiver… you still feel the thrill... you can’t just give an order to your heart to stop feeling… It’s not fair… It’s never fair… People say life goes that way… But I can’t just stay and accept it! I can’t live with the thought that it’s not fair and that’s OK! I have to fight against it! And when I lose the battle, it would still be unfair… but I would have done anything possible to make things the right way. I would be able to say “It’s not my fault!” That’s the most calming thought that would ever exist… ‘Cause when you think you’ve done what you had to do… it’s alright… even if the result’s still unsatisfying… you just can do nothing more about it…
But isn’t anything possible? So, how come that one’s not? How come love hurts you all the time? How come you get the chance to fall in love and then the next one – to be happy about it – is taken right away? And when I think I deserve to get that chance… am I just overrating myself? I don’t know what to do about it any more… Should I be one of those, who calm themselves, thinking “It’s not my fault…”? Or should I be one of those who fight against it… and in the end lose again? I’ve lost so many times… Should I give up already? Or should I keep trying? Or should I just wait for something to happen?
“Time makes it easier…” people say… But it’s still as confusing as in the beginning! I’m still so confused! Is it ever going to end? Or it’s going to be an endless battle… But what am I fighting against? Love? Destiny? Myself?
So many questions… so many missing answers… “

Момичето затвори тетрадката и я прибра в раницата. Когато на следвящия ден предаде домашното си по английски, учителят каза: “Няма правилен отговор. Не го търси! Просто живей!"

Love is the answer to all your questions… but what is the answer to love?