Turn It Off
23 November 2011
Turn it off!  
The voice cried in his head
Turn it off!
His cells echoed in dread.
He couldn’t!
But he had no choice.
He wouldn’t!
But compelling was the voice.
His body ceased to fight.
His mind released the grip so tight.
A final struggling cry
Before he let his human die.
And suddenly the pain was gone
As if was ripped from every bone.
No ache, no guilt, no fear
No more it hurt to tears.
The soul - no longer fighting
The instinct now inciting
Emotions turned to dust
For blood was now his only lust
No pain, no guilt, no soul
The voice had taken all…
But something else it stole as well
The only thing that saved him from his hell
He never would have let that go
If only he had known…
That voice had taken all…
He had her… Now no more…